Watch sea turtles lay eggs at Rekawa Beach!

3 Hours

Watch mama sea turtles nesting in the moonlight on the beautiful beaches of southern Sri Lanka

Why should you book this trip?

  • As sea turtles begin to nest along the Rekawa coastline, you can witness the wonder of ocean life coming ashore. Turtle watching at Rekawa allows you to observe them responsibly while also getting close enough to see them dig their nest, lay their eggs, and return to the ocean.
  • This is Sri Lanka's only ethical and sustainable turtle-watching program, where turtles can be observed in their natural environment, completely undisturbed
  • We strongly oppose commercial turtle hatcheries because they would be detrimental to turtle conservation.
  • You will have the opportunity to see five of the world's seven sea turtle species (strictly depending on nature).
  • Nothing beats the thrill and excitement of watching turtles make a sandy nest and lay eggs under the stars.
  • We collaborate with the Turtle Conservation Project (TCP), a community dedicated to protecting turtle nesting sites and ensuring that eggs hatch safely.


Day 1 :

Your immersive experience of turtle watching in Sri Lanka happens all year round. Volunteers from the Turtle Conservation Project and your chauffeur-guide will show you to the turtle site at nightfall. See with your own eyes the mature nesting sea turtle emerge from the water and start looking for the right sand to lay her eggs. Watch as, using her hind flippers, she digs a circular hole and starts filling the nest with her clutch of soft-shelled eggs. Depending on the species, a typical clutch may contain 50 – 200 eggs! After laying, she re-fills the nest with sand, re-sculpting and smoothing the surface, and then camouflages the nest with vegetation. Afterwards she leaves the eggs untended, and returns to the sea.

Rekawa Beach
Rekawa is a small fishing village and vital eco-tourism venue located about 10km east of the south coast town of Tangalle, Sri Lanka. Rekawa beach has been identified as a habitat to various types of aquatic life, but most notably as a nesting hub for turtles. Rare species like the Hawksbill, Leatherback, Olive Ridley, and Green Turtle choose shores scattered along this beach strip – the low population makes human interruption minimal.

What are the five species of marine turtles found in Sri Lanka?

Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)
These turtles are migratory and can be found in all tropical and subtropical oceans such as the Indian, Caribbean, Atlantic and Pacific. Young Green Turtles are more carnivorous, while adults are herbivorous and feed exclusively on marine vegetation such as sea grass and marine algae. Green Turtles are an endangered species.

Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)
Quite the runt of the turtle family, the Olive Ridley Turtle is the smallest of the marine turtles. They live in the tropical Indian, South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and are omnivorous, eating crustaceans, fish and a range of marine vegetation. These turtles have been recorded nesting on the same beach over a period of a few weeks, and depend on the security of a small number of important beaches to lay their eggs. Olive Ridley Turtles are an endangered species.

Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
The Leatherback Turtle is the largest of the marine turtle family. Leatherbacks are picky eaters and feed exclusively on jellyfish – they’ll even travel long distances in search of them! Found mainly in the waters of the Arctic Circle, Leatherbacks can survive extreme cold as, unlike their cousins, they can regulate their own body temperature thanks to layers of fatty tissue which insulate their bodies. Leatherback Turtles are an endangered species.

Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
Hawksbills are also relatively small turtles, though larger than Olive Ridleys. Their diet includes jellyfish, sponges and crustaceans. The Hawksbill Turtle gets its name from its narrow bird-like beak, which it uses to catch prey hiding in small crevices. Hawksbill Turtles are a critically endangered species.

Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta)
This turtle nests on tropical beaches, as well as beaches in the Mediterranean and south-east coast of America. Although Loggerheads are common throughout the rest of the world, it is the rarest nesting species in Sri Lanka. Only Loggerheads from the Indian subcontinent nest in Sri Lanka. Research shows a particular colouration from these species specifically, which suggests a unique population with rare genes! Loggerhead Turtles are an endangered species.

Our Services Include

  • Permit fees for the Turtle Conservation Project
  • Transport to the site and back to your hotel within 10 km radius
  • Red beam torches
  • Water and refreshments
  • All government taxes

Our Services do not Include

  • Voluntary staff tips
  • Voluntary donations towards the Turtle Conservation Project (TCP)
  • Anything else not mentioned as ‘included’

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Watch sea turtles lay eggs at Rekawa Beach!
From $28
/ Adult - Single Person(SOLO)
From $20
/ Adult - 2 Persons
From $20
/ Adult - 3 Persons
From $18
/ Adult - 4 Persons
  • SLDT/2406/RKWT01
  • 2 Hours
  • Rekawa Beach
  • 8:00 PM
  • 24 Hours
  • Throughout the Year. [Best time for high visibility from April to July]


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